In the movie Baby Mama, an unlikely friendship blooms between the forever wonderful Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. At the close of the movie, Angie (Amy Poehler) compares their friendship to that of Tom and Jerry’s, and so Kate (Tina Fey) has to explain that Tom and Jerry hate each other.
Throughout the movie the two women get in several hilarious feuds due to the very different lifestyles they lead. In the end, they are the classic dynamic duo that we know and love, and what better pair to describe friendship than these two?
1. When you go out at night and your friend thinks her dance moves are awesome but you have to subtly help her out…
2. Or when you have to go to a hipster vegetarian restaurant because your best friend is vegan. Sometimes you just have to take one for the team.
3. When you and your friends have plans to go out…but you realize you’re really not on the same page.
4. Sometimes you just have to hold your tongue.
5. Occasionally you need a friend to put you in your place, everyone needs to take some advice at times. It is important to be a good listener.
6. Apologizing is never an easy thing to do. Remember to be the bigger person and always say you're sorry, even if you don't think you're in the wrong.
7. Friends can certainly have disagreements. Sometimes they make you do things you might not want to do, but know that they are looking out for you.
8. Remember that asking a lot of questions can be a bad idea. Friendships are about understanding, and you don't always need to use words to help.
9. In the end you realize that you need each other, no matter how different you are or how crazy you make each other. A good friendship brings out the best in each person.