So I may be naive and immature in regards to this topic. However, considering I have never dated anyone, I feel like my ignorance can provide a new perspective on things. In my head, it just makes so much sense to think of a romantic relationship like a friendship, except there's physical attraction. I feel that makes things more complicated.
Again, this could be me being naive, but from what I've heard, romantic relationships begin with being attracted to some aspect of someone. If the attraction is mutual, then you go out on dates and "get to know" each other. I use quotes here because I feel like it must be very difficult to let your true self shine through when you are trying to impress this attractive person. That's why I can't help but think that it might be easier to just view them as a friend.
When I think of a friendship, (a really good, close friendship,) I think of someone who I can trust, someone who would do anything for me, and someone who would enjoy spending time with me. Someone who confides in me. Someone who actually is interested in getting to know me and someone who I am interested in getting to know. Because of this, I know the most important things I need in order to maintain a friendship like this are honesty, communication, and trust. I think these are qualities that could help a romantic relationship thrive as well.
From what I've heard, in the early stages of a relationship, it's so easy to get caught up in the feel good, lovey-dovey stuff. That can all be nice, I suppose. However, it's important not to get distracted by them. These emotions may feel nice now but they won't last. It just makes so much more sense to me to treat this person and get to know this person like you would a close friend. When all the intense honeymoon feelings wear off, you'll be left with a good solid foundation of trust and love and communication and not with someone who now seems like a stranger.