As far back as I can remember, I have spent Thanksgiving around a table filled with my family members. Depending on the year, that table is sometimes bigger than others. But the only thing that has ever really been different about my Thanksgiving is which family member's house we eat at.
This year, I won’t be celebrating with my family; I will be in a different country sitting around a different table. Not a single blood relative will be in attendance.
But I will still be sitting around a table filled with love. This year, I will begin the tradition of Friendsgiving.
As we begin planning out how to prepare this meal, and people start sharing traditions that have been passed down to them by their family members, I am overwhelmed with the importance of this holiday. It is an annual reminder to slow down and simply appreciate the people in your life that you love, and that love you.
The value of the day does not decrease because you aren’t spending it with relatives, because your family is not only made up by your relatives.
Here are five things to focus on if you’re enjoying Friendsgiving this year:
Potluck style.
Figure out something that everyone can bring or make. Potluck style is less work and helps create an atmosphere that promotes contribution. Also focusing on creating your dish will help keep you distracted and avoid longing for your parents' kitchen and the smell of your grandma's freshly baked pies.
Keep the stragglers in mind.
Always make sure your table has extra seats. When you’re in a foreign place, Friendsgiving often becomes a mixing pot of lots of different people. Expect that your friends might bring a straggler along who is also looking for a place to share a meal with.
Embrace other cultures.
Thanksgiving is a holiday most readily celebrated in the States. When you’re not in the States, be open to embracing other cultures when it comes to how to share a meal and what to make for it.
Spend the week doing things for others.
The sentiment of Thanksgiving is supposed to be to focus on giving back, so actually take some time and give back to the community you’re residing in.
Truly enjoy your meal.
Your family will always be there, but the people who you are spending your Friendsgiving with might not be. Chances are, the reason you’re even celebrating with these friends is because circumstance and coincidence created a situation where you are all in the same place at the same time. Unfortunately, you might not all be in that same place together the next year. So be thankful for something you might never get to experience again.
Wherever you celebrate your Thanksgiving, I hope that you end the night with a full belly and a happy heart.