Anyone who knows my dad knows how knowledgeable he can be, on any topic (rolls eyes). But in all seriousness, he has so much wisdom to share with others which has been such a blessing in my life. He often shares his insight with me, usually when I'd rather not hear it and don't ask for it, but nonetheless I still appreciate it.
Several years back, during my high school career, he said three words to me that have stuck by me to this day. He told me: Friends are overrated. My mom tried to tell me not to listen, but I quickly agreed with his words. At the time, I was probably dealing with high school friend drama, which is always the end of the world when your going through it. But, today, I can't remember why the conversation even took place. And yet those three words still remain to be so true in my life, and that's how I know my dad was right.
I think for my mom, she is probably more optimistic than my dad. She'd rather not discourage me by saying such words, as to not have me see the worst in people, and ultimately have me give up when it comes to friendships, or just relationships in general. My dad may just be more on the pessimistic side, and not in a bad way. My dad is always realistic. He will always say it like it is without feelings and emotions getting in the way (mind you he lives in a house with 4 girls, 5 including his dog, so most times he gets the wrath for this). I think I've definitely acquired my pessimism from him!
Fast forward a few years, and (not all that long ago) I read an article that I fall absolutely in love with. The article was all based off of Jim Rohn's famous quote:
"We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with."
The article really got me thinking about how our lives are impacted by the people we surround ourselves with. Every bend in the road throughout life could be easily altered to go in a completely different direction, had we had someone different influencing our path.
I think about the number five and how small it really is. All I have is five choices of people to pick to either motivate me, or distract me. To build me up, or tear me down. But then I think about the people God has placed in my life. I think about how little of a friend group I actually do have compared to most people. I also think about the people he's had me cross paths with, and I can't help but be selfish and not want to allow most of these people to be one of the five.
I am the middle child from a family of five (thanks, Mom and Dad, why couldn't you have one more kid). I am definitely a girl that believes very much in family over everything, no matter what. That automatically grants a spot to my dad, my mom, and both of my sisters, which is a total of four people. If the statistic is accurate like they say, that leaves me one free spot.
Over the last few years, I've been desperately searching to find someone to fill this fifth spot. I've looked high and low and turned to friends and boys to try to find that perfect match. Time and time again I've been left disappointed. There's been several occasions that I've allowed people to just waltz right into my life and have an undeserved spot.
After years of this nonsense, and the repeated patterns of constantly putting so much of myself into another person, only to be let down, I've come to a resolution. I realized I'm just 21-years-old. God willing, I have so much time to find an important person who is actually worthy of that fifth spot in my life.
And for my fifth person, I have no idea who you are and when you will make your presence in my life, but I now know that I'd rather wait it out, than hand the spot over to someone who doesn't deserve it. I have an awesome family that is my support group. Through it all, they have been the people there for me when all else fails. The impact and influence that they have on my life has set the bar at an incredibly high standard, so whoever I grant my fifth spot to is going to have to be pretty amazing.
And while I am still in agreement with my father and those three little words that he said to me years ago, I am open. I've come to grips with the fact that I cannot control God's timing. And while I am impatiently waiting for a best friend or a soulmate to come into my life soon, it is beyond my control and most times that is the hardest thing ever for me. But for now, I'll leave that fifth spot open and learn to be more patient. I'll learn to trust Him and His perfect timing.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.