I met my best friend on February 2nd of this year. She means the world to me and I couldn't ask for anyone else. She has been here for me countless of times even if I am being a major pain, Even though we have known each other for a few months we are closer to each other more than anything. She is like my sister and always will be. No matter where we are and no matter where we are going or the activity we do everything together.
I am proud to call this girl my best friend. If i am having a bad day she would drop whatever she is doing to be with me to make sure I am okay. The same thing goes if she's having a bad day. We can be together 24/7 like we already are and we will never get bored of each other. It saddens me that when this semester of college is over I won't be seeing her as much. I won't be able to see her every day or hang out but the memories we do get to make over the summer will be more than amazing. I love you to the moon and back girly!!!