These rules won't guarantee a drama-free friends with benefits relationship, but they should make things a bit... smoother ;)
1. No sleeping together... in the same bed
Do NOT sleep in the same bed together, because sleeping together leads to cuddling, and cuddling leads to mixed emotions, and next thing ya know your relative uncomplicated sex life has turned into a shitty Hulu Original movie with a terrible plot line and even worse actors.
2. Communicate
Being open about other hookups is key here, no matter how awkward it may seem. If neither of you want to sleep with other people then that's fine, but if you do decide that you want to sleep with other people, then make it known, otherwise you're digging yourself into a toxic, drama-filled hole.
3. Set boundaries
Make sure you communicate your expectations, otherwise you might end up in a certain BDSM or role-play situation that you were not mentally or physically prepared for. If you want to try out a new fantasy of yours then go for it, but only if your partner(s) has given prior consent.
4. Leave your personal life out of it
Having trouble at home? Is your personal life a mess? Well, the person that you're fucking every weekend doesn't need to know about any of that. They are your fuck buddy, not your therapist. If you happen to be sleeping with your best friend (a person who you would usually tell all of your secrets and desires to,) then, I don't know how else to break it to ya, but y'all are basically dating.
5. Be safe
If you are sleeping with multiple people, use protection or make sure everyone has been tested recently and is continuing to get tested regularly. Nobody needs a chlamydia outbreak on their hands just because you or your fwb were sleeping around with someone who had never been tested for STI's/STD's until their private parts were starting to itch.
Stay safe my friends.