Friends was a show that made us all laugh, cry, and truly understand the meaning of friendship. Monica, Ross, Phoebe, Joey, Rachel, and Chandler all taught us some very valuable life lessons and here are just a few.
1) Never use "We were on a break" as an excuse
Giphy2) Everybody has a lobster
Giphy3) Quitting the gym is just as hard as quitting the bank
Giphy4) For more space in bed, use the "hug and roll" technique
5) Yemen is a good place to escape unwanted girlfriends/boyfriends
6) You can do a lot with just cups and ice
7) Always say the right name at the alter
8) Powder and lotion will not help remove leather pants
Giphy9) Don't count "mississippily" when in a tanning booth
Giphy10) "How you doin'?" never fails
Giphy11) If stung by a jellyfish, pee on it
Giphy12) It's not smelly cats fault
Giphy13) Always read make-up letters all the way through, even if they are 18 pages FRONT AND BACK!
14) A nap with your best friend could be the best nap you've ever had
Giphy15) Meat is not an ingredient in trifle
Giphy16) A 'Day of Fun' is a great way to get to know someone
17) Everyone has an identical hand twin
18) Eating too much meat can cause 'meat sweats'
19) It's never too late to resurrect the routine
Giphy20) Regina Falange and Ken Adams make great fake names
21) It is possible to drink a gallon of milk in ten seconds
Giphy22) When moving a couch upstairs, PIVOT!
Giphy23) Playing to much on an arcade machine can lead to getting 'The Claw'
24) Never put your head in a turkey
Giphy25) Never bet your apartment in a game of 'who knows who'
26) Don't leave the teeth whitening gel on for longer than recommended
Giphy27) "Man bags" aren't manly
28) Never let a monkey near a TV remote
29) Ugly, naked, and guy do not make for an attractive combination
Giphy30) And finally... chairs cannot heal themselves