If you've never seen an episode of Friends, then you're definitely missing out on some very important friendship values. There are big and little messages threaded throughout the entire series, so pay attention to what these friends and your friends have to offer you!
1. Phoebe taught me: Let your freak flag fly
It really doesn't shouldn't matter how you look, what you say, and what you wear. You're the only you in the world, so be unique and dance like nobody's watching and sing like Phoebe is cheering you on. Why not?!
2. Monica and Rachel taught me: Be supportive
Just like in Phoebe and Mike's wedding when all of her girl friends stood up for her in the middle of a winter blizzard, you should extend yourself to your friends and support them in their victories/celebrations! Get it girl.
3. Ross taught me: Accept people for mistakes or errors in judgement
Ross' spray tan (among many things including many marriages and divorces) is a great example of how badly you can have an error in judgment, and also a kind reminder that accepting people for mistakes. Nobody's perfect, just let people figure it out for themselves.
4. Joey and Chandler taught me: Be appreciative for the little things
Joey and Chandler have a fantastic friendship. They do literally everything together and never tire of each other's company. Chandler is a very supportive friend for Joey through every failure and every success, he's there for him.
5. Joey taught me: Sometimes you have to tell a white lie to spare a friends feelings
In the spirit of Thanksgiving where Rachel Green makes a trifle for dinner and accidentally makes an awful dish, her friends still pretend to like it and eat it because she worked really hard and tried her best. A for effort!
6. Gunther taught me: Be more aware of the "outside" friends
It's easy to often forget about the friends you don't see everyday, but Gunther is a nice reminder that no matter how little their role is in your life; don't neglect them! They still put up with you from time to time so invite them along the next time you go out for coffee.
7. Guest stars taught me: Try your best to not let your past affect your future friendships
The way you treat people in your past will most certainly come back to haunt you in your future. Be kind. Don't be Rachel Green "Prom Queen" attitude to Brad Pitt, *swoon* and gain an entire group of haters who may come back and try to ruin your life again.
8. Joey and Rachel taught me: DEFINITELY do not date your friends w/o consent!
It's really never a good idea to date within the group of friends you have. If you do, be sure to be in communication about it with those affected. It could prevent something awkward from happening, enter: Ross with margaritas.
9. Chandler and Monica taught me: Always try to make someone smileÂ
Somebody's feelings will always get hurt over something, that's the beauty of being a human being. So if it's something you're responsible for; go out of your way to cheer them up. Monica apologizes and makes Chandler laugh over a past mishap, and look how that turned out! Happily ever after.