Ten amazing seasons of one of the best shows to ever exist. And with the many episodes, many lessons came to us.
Phoebe was never ashamed of herself
Phoebe sang crazy songs in the coffee shop, ran crazy like a little kid, and even changed her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock, but she never was ashamed of who she was.
Rachel and Ross showed us when it's meant to be, it's meant to be
Despite their many ups and downs and the time they were on a break, they really showed that when something is meant to be, it'll happen.
They show us that life really does suck sometimes
Phoebe and Monica both lost their jobs at some point. They've dealt with money problems, relationship issues, and anything else you can think of, but they still got through it.
Sometimes things really don't go as planned
Monica found out she was unable to conceive, but she was able to adopt. Rachel found out she was pregnant with Ross' baby, but she ended up as happy as ever. Joey almost quit acting, but became a star on Days of Our Lives. They showed us that life doesn't always work out, but it has a way of giving us what we need.
Rachel showed us hard work really does pay off
As a spoiled daddy's girl, Rachel left a marriage she really didn't want. She became a waitress, then slowly enter her dream job, becoming an successful adult.
Joey taught us to always get what you want
Joey was never scared to get what he wants. A girls number? More food? He's on it. I mean he even went for Rachel.
Chandler showed that laughter can be the best medicine
Chandler was the best at making jokes no matter the situation, and if anything, he made you laugh more than any other character.
Monica showed it's okay to be focused
Monica was very, obsessive, when it came to things. She was serious about cleaning, super competitive, and even lost a whole lot of weight, but still had a heart of gold. If anything, her dedication got her to where she was at the end of the season.
They've all taught us to have fun
Just because they were in their 20's didn't mean they didn't enjoy their life. They had as much fun as possible and made memories to last a life time.
Great friends will always be there for you
No matter if it's relationships, breakups, fights, or having to work in a diner wearing fake boobs and a wig, great friends will always have your back. And the most important thing from this show was the strong friendship shown.