I know this is pretty popular and a lot of these are pretty common, but there's nothing wrong with revisiting favorite scenes over and over again. I mean, if you watch the reruns and the episodes on Netflix you're doing it anyway, so here's the condensed version in no particular order. :)
Literally anytime Joey says "How you doin'?"
Am I right ladies? 😉
Basically anytime Janice shows up unannounced
I can't help but smile every time she shows up. And if you can't hear these words, something is wrong with you.
The Bing family reunion at Chandler and Monica's engagement party
This is honestly one of my favorite scenes. 😂
'Baby Got Back'
I'm not gonna lie, Rachel isn't my favorite character. She's so whiny and it annoyed me through the first half of the series. When she started having more of a backbone and stopped having the high pitched tone, I could tolerate her more. Rachel post-Emma's-birth is probably my favorite and this is by far my favorite scene. Of course she's alongside Ross' booty shaking, which helps.
When Phoebe gets married
Don't get me wrong, Phoebe is one of my favorite characters and she cracks me up all the time. But when she met Mike and her big day finally came, I felt so much joy and I cried during the "ceremony". I'm probably not the only one but when people reference Phoebe, it's usually not about her wedding.
The turkey head and the "I love you" slip
I absolutely love Chandler and Monica together like everyone else. Aside from the comedic relief from their fight and Chandler's "I love you" slip, Joey's reaction afterwards had me laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe and was crying.
I absolutely love Chandler with basically everything, but this.. as you can probably guess... *hysterical laughter*
'Ebony and Ivory'
Aside from this tanning fail, there's the leather pants fiasco and the Unagi ridiculousness.. But this outweighs them all because I always make fun of girls that have terrible fake tans. Oh well🤷
The leather pants
I brought up the pants, so here's the scene 😁
And finally, when Monica burns everyone
100%. I laugh every. single. time. It will always be one of my favorites :)
Hope you smiled!