After my sweet 16, my mom had a book made of all the pictures from the night. On the last page, she included the quote: “Friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Moms know everything. That quote has been ever important and has stuck with me through these last few years as I truly learned the meaning of friendship. Thank you for the heads up, Mom.
Friends who come into your life for a reason can be both good and bad. Although temporary, these friends can leave a lasting impact. They can bring out the best or the worst in you. Luckily, in my experience, I’ve had the people who brought out the best; they pass through leaving something with me. I’ve learned how to value life through their contagious happiness. I’ve learned how to avoid the wrong path from their personal experiences. I’ve learned that although our friendship doesn’t grow into a lasting one, it doesn’t mean they aren’t important to me. I am so thankful for those have passed through my life and for those people I will experience later down the road. I’m glad the reasons for their presence in my life is obvious, and I could learn from it.
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Friends who come into your life for a season can be the most devastating. For me, these friends were present in every moment of my life from middle school until sophomore year in high school. We made bonds that were hard to break, but they did. It was a painful and eye opening time in my life when the season for these friendships dissolved. There was some conflict, but in the end, I don’t hold any hard feelings because we simply grew in different directions. We were changing as people, and couldn’t hold onto each other anymore. Our season was filled with countless memories: sleepovers, music videos, fashion shows, beach trips, birthdays, camp and pretty much every waking moment we could spend with each other. Looking back, I wish we ended on better terms, but that’s the way our lives moved and it’s OK. Passing conversations when we run into each other, or a picture or retweet of theirs that shows up, has memories flooding back. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come and I’m ever thankful for our season.
Friends who come into your life for a lifetime are the most rewarding. It could be the girl you met at kindergarten orientation, in second grade on the playground, or your high school physics class. You hit it off and the rest is history. This may not mean smooth sailing, but it’s for life: the hardships, the laughs, the memories. These are the friends you confide in, support, and lift up. You might stray at times, but always come back to each other as if nothing has changed. You may not see each other for months, or years at a time, but when you do see each other, it's like you never left. They’re the friendly face in the crowd, the text that makes your day, or a phone call away for advice on the most serious or silliest of subjects. They never let you down. I can’t wait to see the future holds for my friends for life.
Friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I’m glad this has stuck with me through the years. It has allowed me to cherish and relish the memories and lessons that come with friendships. Thank you friends.