If you're one of those people that are always asking your friends if they wanna hang out but it's never reciprocated its OK to just stop asking.
Because it's not fair to you, it makes you feel like they aren't as invested in your friendship as you are and you deserve to have friends that are there for you and that want to put the effort into the friendship just as much as you do! It shows that they may be just don't care anymore.
The phone works both ways, you can't say you miss me when you don't call or text me!
Honestly, your friends can be super busy, but if you find the time in your equally busy schedule to see them than they can do the same. You deserve friends who will support you and want to be around you. After a while you feel like do they even want to hang out with me, you start to question everything.
It's OK to just see what happens if you don't talk to them for a while, if they start calling you then maybe they do care but if they don't then you will know you made the right decision.
We all know that life can get in the way sometimes but that's when you have to make the most effort because then you start to grow apart but if you really want to keep the friendship you put in the effort. It's not like you have to talk every day but just to ask to hang out every once in a while, just grab a coffee. It's the little gestures that mean the most.
In the end, people just want to feel like you want to be there friend just as much as the wanna be yours.
As childish as that sounds, friends are important and if you don't feel like your friendship is a two-way street, it's OK to end it.