Friendship is often more graceless, almost kinisthetic, post graduation. There's a diaspora of Eagles or Royals or Dragons's feet across different dashboards, sunshine in mouths, crumpled napkins with new phone numbers and full tuition scholarships a full day's drive away.
1. You look great in your new profile picture.
The pink and purple pixie cut is en pointe.
2. I didn't mean to ignore your message.
I just wasn't sure what to say. You might have been hurt I didn't fill you in on the guy slip-sliding into my DMs. You might have thought my school's tricycle race ridiculous.
3. I would love to catch up.
Even if we fumble at first, I'd love to get a cup of coffee. You've been on my mind for months.
4. I still think about you when I hear the song you love and I can't stand.
I like it a little now.
5. I remember our inside jokes and giggle in morning lecture sometimes.
I'd like to think you do the same thing.
6. You can come to me.
Even if we haven't talked for a few months, you can come to me whether you're crying over Dr. Who or holding someone's hand in the hospital.
7. I saw your snap about having strep and I hope you feel better.
Try some cinnamon tea.
8.I feel a little jealous of all your new friends.
But I'm so happy to see you having fun.