They say "a strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part". I have recently learned the true meaning of this quote. I've gone through many friendships that lasted a long time, and after a while they faded away. I’ve also had friendships that lasted a short amount of time. I've had people come into my life that were only friends with me for the moment until they found something better for them. Those friendships do not represent that quote. My girls are the representation of what a true friend should be.
There comes a point in your life when things start to feel like forever. It could be that new job you landed that you love, a person who you fell in love with and are ready to settle down with; my forever feeling right now is my friendships. It is such an amazing feeling to say that you have girls that bring out the best in you, in a way that no one ever has. They are the first people you go to when you have exciting or sad news. They support you with every life decision you make, whether they agree with it or not.
The quote "friends come and go like the waves of the ocean, but the true ones stay like an octopus on your face" is exactly how I would describe my friendships, not because we are sea creatures but because I know they'll stick around for a long time, whether I like it or not.
They are the friends that I have always longed to have because we can be together all day long and not get tired of each other. In fact, the laughs just get louder and the stomachs get tighter. They are the ones who I can be myself around and they'll never judge me for being too loud and obnoxious because they are right by my side making a scene in the store - the ones always making strangers laugh because we act like children, by making up stories about how we grew up together when we really didn't.
They bring out a side of you that you never knew you had because of how strong and independent they are, so they have molded you into a person that you can look in the mirror and say "I am proud of who I am because of the beautiful women in my life". They have taught you to stand up for yourself and not let people take advantage of you, in that moment that's when you realize that they have become your best friends (only because our parents couldn't handle us as sisters). As time goes on you keep upgrading them because your bond gets stronger, and you reach the point where they become your family (literally). They attend your family parties, spend weekends with your parents, and start to meet people who are not blood related family and vice versa.
They, in fact, saved you. They came into your life when you needed them the most and the have stuck by your side through it all. My heart has become so full within the past year because I have finally found the people I belong with. They helped me get through a time I needed them the most and they gave me back the most important piece of me: my self-worth. They have always told me that I deserve nothing but the world and I thank them to this day for making me who I am today, an independent woman who doesn’t need anyone but themselves (and of course my girlfriends). They have helped me through multiple mental breakdowns at school, when I questioned my future, and now I know that with them by my side I can accomplish my dreams no matter how long it takes me - in the end I will be where I want to be. This is where I say thank you. Thank you for being the women who I cherish with all my heart, thank you for eating ice cream and brownies so late at night with me (when we said no eating after 8pm), thank you for listening to my country music with me, thank you for always laughing with me, crying with me, and sharing every single emotion with me.
There really are no words to describe my love for you because it's so powerful. You are my forever friends, and here's to many more years, and beyond