If you are a human, you’ve probably had a best friend. Now, you probably thought that you would be best friends with that person forever. Or you at least didn’t expect to stop being friends with them anytime soon. But, you know what? Growing apart from people is how you help yourself grow.
Growing apart is part of growing up. Now, I have friends that I have been friends with for 12+ years, but I also have friends that I’m closer with that I’ve only known for three years. Being friends does not have to do with how long you’ve known someone. It has to do with how you both connect.
I’m a firm believer that people come into our lives when we need them. Those people come and go, but the marks that they make on us last forever. This is the most important point. Just because you grow apart does not mean that they aren’t still valuable to who you are. I have people in my life that I don’t talk to anymore, but they have made huge impacts on my character, opinions and perspectives.
Don’t be afraid of growing apart from those you love. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Well, this is still the case. I have friends that I love dearly, but just because we don’t talk everyday does not mean that they are any less of a friend. Growing apart doesn’t mean not being friends, it means giving a person space. Everyone needs space sometimes, and it’s completely healthy for friends to take time for themselves.
Lastly, just because you grow apart doesn’t mean that you’ll never be close friends again. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it made your friendship stronger. Learning that you can live without someone that you are so used to always having around is so liberating. Knowing you are not reliant on another person is the greatest feeling of independence. Be strong and independent and make the choice to focus on yourself for a little while. Those who care for you will always come back.