Everyone has this innate desire to belong. I am no exception to this. When I entered high school, I left behind most of my close friends from grade school. I had two that I remained friends with, one that went to a different school. I didn’t particularly like high school. I was quiet and was often found sitting by myself reading a book instead of socializing. Needless to say, I didn’t belong. I much preferred losing myself in fiction. It was a lot easier to surround myself with characters, fantasy places, and made up adventures than find a way to insert myself into reality. I was much more comfortable with my head in a book than being surrounded by people who didn’t know me or care to know me. I was content with that.
Then I found you guys.
Or I guess, you found me. You picked me up and you showed me a life I never thought I would find, at least not anytime soon. I never really belonged anywhere, but you showed me what it was like to have a home and a family who loved you more than words could describe. You never made me feel like I wasn’t wanted. You never made me believe that I was alone. That nobody cared. That I wasn’t loved. You guys gave me a group that would always accept me with open arms. You always gave me a hand when I needed one. Especially when I needed it most. There were days when I felt like it was the end, but you took me and showed me that it never was going to be that way. That I never had to give up. You allowed me to see myself in ways I never saw before. And I saw friendships in ways I never thought possible, especially for someone as quiet and shy as me.
One day, I know I’ll look back on our time together, and I will probably only be able to remember the good things. I probably won’t remember the specific things we said, or the things we did, but I will always remember the way you made me feel. You gave me a safe house. A place I could go when I had nowhere. I didn’t have to lose myself in books in order to belong. I just had to come to you. You opened up your arms for me, and because of this, you made me a better person.
I don’t know where I’d be now if I hadn’t met you. I’d probably be shyer. I probably would have read more books by now. I probably wouldn’t have changed schools or discovered how much I like to write. I probably wouldn’t be open. You guys changed me for the better. You made me more comfortable as a person. You guys made me realize that there’s more than just the relationships you find with books, but that people can give you a home too. For that, I will forever be grateful.
Just know that wherever you end up in life, whoever you end up with, I hope you guys are happy. I hope you’re making each moment count, especially the little ones. I hope you laugh a lot and cry a lot and learn a lot. I hope you have someone to learn with, someone who makes you feel like you are the luckiest person on the planet. But most of all, I hope, whenever you are sad, you look back and think of me, of us. I hope you remember all the good times we had and all the things we did and all the things we wanted to do, and smile. Wherever you are, and wherever I am, I hope you don’t forget. You guys deserve the world, and I hope one day you find it.
Thank you for making me feel found.