I don't know about most people but whenever I am feeling down or just plain bored I find myself going to Netflix to watch "Friends." The show is a classic and will be relevant for the rest of our lives. To honor the show here is a listicle of the best "Friends" .Gifs.
1. The Joey
Any time that Joey hits on someone with his classic line. You just know that when he looks a woman up and down and smirks he is gonna say "How you doin'?"
2. The Best F*** You Created... Ever
Everyone remembers the first time Ross pulled out this bad boy. I have used this so many times in my life it is insane.
3. Best She Ever Had
Ahhh, the good ole days when Chandler and Monica were dating in secret. Chandlers reaction when he learns that he is the best Monica had ever had will always be hilarious. The fact that he was even better than Richard seemed to surprise him for only a second before he started his little victory dance.
4. Santa Isn't Real
Phoebe's face matches every child's when they find out that Santa isn't real. And it is hilarious.
5. He's Her Lobster
That moment when they FINALLY get together and you can't help but cheer.
6. Joey's Dream Finally Came True
When the gang went to the beach and Joey fell asleep after playing Strip Happy Day's Game. Joey wakes up to a dream come true.
7. It Was Supposed To Be Mississipi-lessly
The spray tan from hell. Ross just couldn't get it right.
8. Unagi
Ross trying to show the girls how they need to always be aware of their surroundings using the ancient art of Unagi.
9. Pivot
There is a reason that you pay someone to deliver your new couch to you. This is it.
10. The Intro
The intro is so iconic. You can't help but clap and sing along.