Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your awkward stage with me. I think it is weird how in life you wake up one day and realize how much life has gone by. As time has gone by we have allowed ourselves to grow apart. Though some of us still keep in touch from time to time we aren’t who we were back in middle school. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, I would like to take this time to thank you for being a part of my life during that time.
Being in middle school is the first taste of what it is like to really live. You are first beginning to socialize and form friend groups. Back in elementary school, everyone was your friend group, as you grow you make stronger bonds with fewer people. I recently ran into these photos and found myself laughing. These photos take me back in time. I mean who let me cut my bangs like that?
Remember when our makeup and hair didn’t matter,wearing Aeropostale and silly bandz up to our elbows were looked as “cool” and we all are giggling about our “first kiss”. Come to think of it I feel like we were too young to be kissing boys (sorry mom and dad haha), but we were doing it anyhow. We thought we had the world figured out, but really that was just the beginning. The picture down below makes my heart smile.
The middle schoolers I see now make me have a panic attack. I didn't realize how young we really were until I look at them, what the heck were we doing? We sure do have some great life stories. Some of my favorite memories are from this time and trust me I will be telling my future children the crazy things we did when we were their age, well maybe not everything.
The best nights were the nights where we decided to have dance offs, ride around in the golf cart after dark (even when told not to), and take ridiculous photos. The amount of embarrassing photos I have are just too much to handle, it has been several years and I still laugh.
The point is I am glad that I had friends who were always down for an adventure.
I never realized how easy life was back then until I reflect on it now, never having to hit the books as hard as we do now, we weren’t expected to “adult” yet because we weren’t even old enough to drive yet. We thought though we had a right to be an adult, why did we want to grow up so badly? I remember planning out our “crazy nights out” with us all giggling about all of the dancing we would do, actually what were middle schoolers doing thinking about going to clubs and bars? The thought of high school was super exciting and we were all just beginning to notice boys. Ugh, that is so scary.
Thank you for being apart of my life. Even though we don’t all talk like we thought we would be friends forever at least we still all share these memories. We laughed, cried and faced many challenges together and each challenge made us who we are today.
I want to wish you all good luck. I hope that you achieve everything you dream to achieve, I am sorry most of us faded away, that’s life I guess? I still cherish our memories and will never forget you.
Hope life is good.
Love always,