There comes a time in every friend group when you become so close and comfortable with each other that you realize everyone has taken on second roles. There's the planner, the forgetter, the always-late one, etc etc. basically everyone takes on a role and everyone's role is unique. One of the most fun things to assign your friends are the different types of family members each person would be within the group. My friends and I did this recently and it was hilarious, great, and everything that I thought it would be. For any of you who want to assign your friends family members, here are the go-to ones.
1. The Mom
Every friend group out there has the Mom. She's the one that checks in with you after your stressful week of four tests, two presentations, and one 8 page paper. She makes sure you're getting enough food, enough sleep, and double checks that you actually want that Whataburger for the third that week. Even when you go out, the Mom of the group can't turn off her momness and spends the entire night checking in on everyone in her drunken state.
2. The Dad
This is the friend that does all the dad things no one wants to do or knows how to do. They know how to change a flat and they'll do handy things around the house. They also always always have a cheesy joke in their back pocket for any situation.
3. The Child
This friend is the one who always makes people laugh. They're goofy, a little irresponsible, and sometimes you find yourself genuinely concerned for their well-being. However, they're always reminding everyone to have a positive outlook on life and that sometimes it's okay to be a little extra goofy.
4. The Angsty Teen
This friend sometimes reminds you too much of your tragic teenage years in the most hilarious ways. They get all moody over the most random things, at most likely the most innappropriate times, but they're always making everyone laugh so it's perfectly okay.
5. The Cool Older Sibling
This friend comes in and out of the picture at the most random times. They're super successful, confident, and everything you aspire to be. They always have the best advice and somehow they're stories are way more interesting than yours will be.
6. The Grandma
This friend bakes treats for every type of situation, and they're alwyas ensuring that everyone is happy at all times.