Potentially the greatest week of the year- a week where the partying takes precedence over school. While you might be thinking that that's the case every week for you, which I may or may not agree with, sylly week is different because even the teacher's acknowledge that partying is the priority and being that you are just getting your syllabuses, you have no work. No work = no time management necessary = more time for partying.
1. Sunday
The first day back to school automatically calls for a crazy night.
2. Monday
All the people who didn't realize Sunday night would be lit, are sure to make it out on Monday so there's an even bigger crowd.
3. Tuesday
Eating well and working out is not possible during this week, which means late night eats every night.
4. Wednesday
To your friends that want a night off:
5. Thursday
To your friends that actually take a night off (and on a Thursday???):
6. Friday
"I'm going to take it easy tonight so I can make it out tomorrow day."
7. Saturday day
When your friend tries to take your drink from you:
8. Saturday night
When you're not sure if you are awake or asleep, dead or alive, but you're still out.
9. Sunday night
Last night, gotta go out with a bang.
10. Monday day
When you're trying to get your last day of partying in before school starts but not everyone has that mindset.
11. Tuesday