There have been a lot of articles about the perks of dating an education major; however, I have not found articles about the perks of being friends of an education major. As an education major, I can say with complete certainty that there are many perks to being friends with an education major. If you don't have an education major as a friend already, you should go find one now for these reasons:
1. Extra school supplies
Did you forget your pencil or pen? If you have an education major as your friend, they will most definitely have an extra pen or pencil (or twenty) in various colors. Or maybe you forgot your notebook. Have no fear! Your education major friend is here with lined paper to spare.
2. Pep Talks
Education majors know how to give the best pep talks. Maybe you're having a bad day or you have a hard test coming up -- either way, an education major knows just what to say. They always have a knack for turning your frown upside down and helping you believe in yourself.
3. Excitement in everything
Education majors make everything super duper exciting. Are you waiting for paint to dry or working your way through a calculus problem? Call your education major friend to make a fun game out of watching paint dry or tell awful math jokes to make you laugh through your misery.
4. Patience and kindness
Education majors strive to provide their students with the best possible education, so it makes sense that they want the best for their friends, too. Education majors have patience that cannot be matched and kindness that is just contagious.
5. Celebrate good times
Education majors love to celebrate even the smallest of victories. The other day, one of the students I have been working with was finally able to identify the letter "A", which I definitely believe is cause for celebration. Maybe your student had a good day, or maybe you just survived the day. Either way, it's cause for celebration.
6. Cheerleader
I cheer on the students I work with when it comes to learning the alphabet or just focusing on a lesson. Education majors can be your biggest fan and supporter no matter the task or event at hand.
7. Crazy classroom stories
Have you ever heard a story so crazy about something that it just can't be true? If the story is set in a classroom, there is a definite chance that it is true. I have heard crazy, hilarious stories from my fellow education majors, and can promise that I have told my friends some good ones, too.