The best friends are the friends you never saw coming and the ones you end up loving.
In high school, we had the cliques and a few friends we always hung out with. We took prom pictures, snuck out of school to get lunch, partied during spring break, and took backstage graduation pictures together. These were the friends who saw us ugly cry over the boy who cheated on us and randomly showed up at our house on Sundays because we posted that we baked brownies on Snapchat.
For many, these high school friends are not the friends that we have for long after we get our diplomas. We don't see each other almost every day anymore and we drift apart--- it's life. The high school drama gets old and everyone goes their separate ways to mature and go down different life paths.
It's sad that we spent all this time making memories and now we don't even talk to each other, but I will always cherish the time I spent trying to stay out of trouble with them.
We always thought these were the friends we would have in our life for forever, the ones who would be there on our wedding day and be the godparent to our future children.
However, as I have discovered going to college, it doesn't always work that way. Even if you attend college in your hometown.
The friends I gained just in my first semester of college have been more than just my classmates and study helpers. When you meet people with an open mind, it truly is amazing what happens. These are the friends I now call to talk about first dates and the ones that know my Starbucks order almost as good as their own. Keep an open mind when you meet new people even when you think that blonde girl that sits beside you the first day of class kind of acts like a brat, she might just be the one who goes to get McDonald's for you when you are crying in your car during finals week because you have an exam in thirty minutes and haven't eaten since yesterday morning.
They come into your life as a surprise and their amazing presence in your life has you praying they never leave. Even outside of school the people I thought I would absolutely hate when I met them in person turned out to be some of the most genuine and kind friends I have ever had. I don't think I could go without having them in my life now, even if they get on my nerves. These are the people who have stood by me in the hard times that comes with being a first-semester freshman and a seventeen-year-old girl. These are the people who are straight up with me from outfit choices to the new boyfriend.
These are the friends I never saw coming and the ones I hope I never see leaving.