Summer has hit, and we've been done with the semester for about a month now. I couldn't wait to get done with my sophomore year and all the work that came with it; I was so ready to move on into a summer full of carefree fun and, of course, the opportunity to make money. But I forgot that with summer comes the separation anxiety I get from my friends at school because after all we had spent just about every day together as soon as we met this semester!
Honestly when I decided to transfer to a different school halfway through my sophomore year, I was scared because I thought that everyone had already met the people they would be spending their next four years with, and I felt that it would be impossible as a transfer to make friends. Little did I know that coming to Cortland would give me the most amazing group of friends.
I'm so lucky to have a group of people I can be my complete weird self around, people that share my love of DoodleBob saying, "HOY YOY MINOY," or also love twofers just as much as I do. Literally I lived for the nights we ran around Cortland like crazy people just because we could. I cannot wait to do it all over again this semester.