Everyone knows that not every single person we ever meet or come in contact with is going to be the exact same. At the same time, it's often believed that we choose people we want to hang out with and call our "friends" that are similar to us in some ways. I once had a professor tell me that "we are all likely a combination of the five closest friends we have around us."
That made me think about my friends and analyze what is it about me that I see has been influenced by them? Below are just a few of the characteristics that I have seen in my friends, and I think I (hopefully) have picked up on, too. You more than likely have some awesome friends with some of the same behaviors! Or check it out and see what kind of people you need to have around to help get you through this crazy life.
1. The Confidant/e
They have their lips sealed, no matter "how juicy" the gossip or secret you share with them is. They are a great listener, and you know that if you never need someone to vent to, they are there and no one else's ears are going to hear about it, or at least not if they have anything to do with it.
2. The Clown
They make you laugh no matter what. You could be having the worst day of your life, and one car ride or a quick meal with them has already immediately turned your day around. They get your weird sense of humor, and they aren't afraid of messing with you until you crack a smile.
3. The One Who Holds You Accountable
They hold you to an ultimate higher standard. Not in the "Oh, I'm better than you, get on my level" kind of way, but in the, "Wow, you are an awesome role model and friend" kind of way. It's healthy to continue to strive to be better in life, and having a friend who is going to push you to reach your potential or remind you to study or stay on top of things, is essential to ensure you don't remain complacent.
4. The Laid-Back One
On the flip side of that, if you're like me, you need the friend who is going to chill you out and remind you that it actually is OK to take a break and relax for a little bit. This friend will never let you forget that no matter what happens in life, it is all going to be OK. I don't know what I would do without the friends around me that remind me "It's OK to have fun."
5. The Blunt One
Plain and simple, this friend tells you like it is. Different from the accountable one who is more of an example for how you might want to be, the "blunt one" of your friends will set you straight when you're completely out of line. Whatever the issue is, this friend will give you the attitude check you need and is the living, breathing example of "tough love."
6. The Fun One
This friend is just the life of the party. Whether they know it or not, they make everything fun. From literally going to the grocery store, to the biggest party of the semester, this is the friend that you want to have around to make sure you have the best time possible. They are always the one making plans and coordinating social events, and they are someone you count on when you're looking for a good time.
7. Last but not least, The Spiritual One
Everyone needs a friend to help walk them through spiritual needs. Luckily, we ALL without a doubt can have THE BEST spiritual friend in Jesus. He's definitely the friend of all friends and takes the act of a "sacrifice" to a whole new level. He's The One to thank for all of our earthly friends He's blessed us with, too! I'd say He takes the prize for the ultimate kind of friend we all need in our lives.
John 15:12-15 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.