If 'Friends' Characters Were Michigan Schools | The Odyssey Online
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If 'Friends' Characters Were Michigan Schools

The gang is split up and going to back to school all across the state.

If 'Friends' Characters Were Michigan Schools

We all, whether recently or years ago, have come to know and love the "Friends" gang, and although they live in New York, why not place them in schools right here at home in the Mitten State? The gang is so diverse but they still find their way to fit together and I'm here to put each one at a different school across Michigan!

Ross Geller: University of Michigan

You have to give them props for their academic excellence and their dedication to everything maize and blue. And just like Ross and his dinosaurs, they will never miss an opportunity to tell you they go U of M and continue blabbing about why it is the best. However, even though they can be obnoxious, they are one of the best so you can't help but admire them just a little bit [just don't tell them].

Rachel Green: Michigan State

She's loveable, bright, loud and likes to have fun a shoe-in for the MSU campus. You can tell she enjoyed her college years by how much she talks about them, which is probably common of spartan students because you know they all have a good time. She was also a sister of Kappa Kappa Delta, which is a fitting to the vibrant greek life at MSU. Rachel is the perfect student for Michigan State and you know she rocks the green and white with pride whenever she can!

Phoebe: Northern Michigan

She's a little out there, but not afraid to do her own thing or be herself entirely. Northern students spend a lot of times outside, enjoying Nobody would be a better the wildcats in their adventurous ways in Marquette. She is into her music, cats, massages and a plethora of other strange habits she goes through as the show progresses, I'm gonna guess the Northerns have their fair share of unique hobbies they go through to keep entertained and warm as they struggle through the feet of snow and ice cold winters. But as out there as Pheobs can be, you can't help but love and admire her for her effort and determination in anything she puts her mind to.

Chandler Bing: Western Michigan

Chandler is a bit dorky, he thinks he's funny and once in a while can be (but not always) and Broncos can be guilty of overkill in many ways. He loves his friends and isn't afraid to express that, similar to the love between students on campus at WMU. He's smart but can be outshone by others and Western is susceptible to this, but none the less get a good education, have a great time and created memories to last a lifetime with their best friends. Not much different than goofy Chandler Bing.

Monica Geller: Grand Valley State University

She's a little nutty, but is focused and dedicated to all she does, like GVSU students. She hatesto lose, which fits perfectly with the Lakers success at the top of their divisions and winning championships at anything they are involved in. She likes the suburbs which goes along with Allendale's more rural feel while still close enough to Grand Rapids to have the best restaurants to eat at, but more importantly critique. She has a passion for success, no matter what it takes, which makes her the ideal fit for Grand Vallet!

Joey Tribbiani: Central Michigan

No surprise to anyone that outgoing, loud, loves to have a good time, jokester Joey ends up in Mt. Pleasant. He loves people in addition to his best friends which makes the perfect candidate for Tuesday Nights at wayside. He likes to eat, a lot, and CMU offers a plethora of choices to fit his food cravings 24 hours a day. He can have a shaky reputation with some people, but he loves and will do anything for those he cares about and has a big heart, just like those Chips.

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