Every friend group has a Rachel or a Chandler, or any of them, and finals week is no different. Which Friends character are you this final week?
Are you a Rachel?
You breezed by this semester without a care. People made fun of you for taking the easy classes, but even then, you aren't doing so hot. Going out every weekend didn't help, and now you have to hunker down and actually get some work done. Your friends are tired of you complaining, because they've been complaining all semester, and you've only just started. You'll put in a lot of work, stress cry a lot of times, but in the end, you'll probably end up with decent grades. You always do!
Are you a Chandler?
Sure, you joked around all semester, but you're still in good standing. This is a good thing because you don't work well in stressful situations. Your friends kind of hate you because you're not stressing out as much as them. You offer to help them, but they reject it almost immediately, because... well... they can't remember what you're studying or if you'll be any help. You'll study a bit but mostly you'll spend your finals week binge-watching TV or playing video games.
Are you a Phoebe?
Yeah, you're not entirely sure where you stand, grade-wise. You've kind of been winging it all semester. You've gotten mostly good grades, so you should be fine. Right? If not, you've got your salt crystals and you've booked some study rooms for some solid meditation time. You're going to take some alone time, and your friends probably won't see you until it's all over. And if you really do fail your classes, you've got your sob story down, and hopefully, your professors will cut you some slack and give a few extra points. Maybe if you're lucky, the spirit of a dead biologist will inhabit your body right before your biology final! You're hoping for the best, but, as always, you're confident.
Are you a Ross?
This was a tough semester for you. You always seem to have rough semesters, and it always seems to be your fault. Either you've scheduled too many classes or you've failed some assignments you were so sure you were going ace. It seems that no matter how much effort you put in, you never seem to do any better. So you've really got to work hard. Your week is full of caffeine-high study sessions and all-nighters. And you'll probably only just do ok. That's how it goes for you.
Are you a Monica?
You worked your butt off all semester, and now you probably don't have a lot to do. You have a few finals, sure, but your grades are so good, you barely need to study. And of course, you're flaunting it to all your stressed out friends. And they hate you for it. However, they don't hate you that much. Since you have nothing to do and all your friends are too busy studying, you're going crazy with all your free time and you made everyone multiple batches of homemade cookies. You're always there to help, and harass your friends for not studying sooner!
Are you a Joey?
There are finals?!?! You generally had no idea! You thought those classes just ended. They were optional anyway! Weren't they? Essentially you're toast. You are gonna spend this finals week holed up in your dorm room or a nook of the library, mostly likely crying into your studying materials. You've stressed eaten so many sandwiches, you've lost count. Those were the only good thing that came out of your finals week. You're just ready for this to be over so you can go back to taking those regularly scheduled naps.