Everyone has experienced the infamous 'midterm week' that can suck the life out of you. It's almost impossible to get through the week without going crazy from lack of sleep, crying a lot, or giving up completely. In college, professors seem to think their class is the most important and therefore assign tons of work, which adds up to a ridiculous amount of time spent studying. It's easily one of THE MOST overwhelming times during college, up there next to finals and job interviews. Midterm week is full of ups and downs and an entire roller coaster of emotions.
1. When you realize you have two cumulative exams, a research paper, group project, regular homework, and extracurriculars to top it all off
GiphyPerhaps this feeling isn't specific to midterm week, but I can say from personal experience that, trust me, it does feel like the world is against me when dealing with midterm exams and homework and projects.
2. Looking through your notes trying to make it make sense in your head, and that is the exact opposite of what is happening
GiphyThere's nothing worse than looking back on your notes from the first week of school and having to reteach yourself all the material. How am I supposed to remember eight weeks worth of notes for one test? I'm so confused.
3. Being sleep-deprived beyond belief and likely looking like a walking zombie
GiphyAh yes, that fantastic feeling of not knowing if you're asleep or not. That's when you have to tell people, "Hey, I got four hours of sleep last night, and I'm really not sure if I'm processing anything correctly, so I apologize for looking like I'm barely alive."
4. Studying with a study buddy who seems to actually know what they're talking about and you can't follow a single thing they're trying to explain
Giphy"HOW ON EARTH do you get this material!?" It's almost as if they're speaking in gibberish. If you weren't freaking out about exams yet, you definitely are now.
5. Trying to find the motivation to care about your grades enough to keep studying
GiphyThe worst parts are the nights before the test, and you have to convince yourself to just study a little bit more to make yourself feel better. But it's really damn difficult. This is the point when you consider giving up all together and just accepting your failure, but you end up (somehow) finding that last bit of motivation. Thank God.
GiphyTHEY'RE OVER! There truly is nothing quite like the feeling of finishing all your exams, handing in all your projects, and finally being able to breathe... until next week, when the loads of schoolwork are going to pile up again. Take advantage of the short break while it lasts.