For those of you who don't know the meaning of Salvn, it is the name my friends and I made up and call ourselves. The S stands for Sabrina, The A stands for Asiah, The L stands for Leecia, The V stands for Victoria, and lastly the N stands for Noelia.
Dear Salvn,
It has been three long years of high school and now that it's over I'm sad to say that I will miss each of you. The four of you have grown a special place in my heart that nobody in college can or will replace. I'll miss your wacky and goofy ways, the memories of you guys will never die. I'll miss walking into school and bum rushing each of you with a hug whether you wanted the hug or not. Spending eight hours a day with you guys is something I've grown used to, each of you guys have taught me something that I will take with me to college and never forget. All the inside jokes to all the tears and heartbreaks we've dealt with together, which also formed us into the people we are today. Individually you guys have taught me things. Asiah my friend of 10+ years, you are and forever will be my best friend. I went to you when I thought no one else would listen to me, you have helped me with many things and always boosted my self-esteem whenever it was needed. You're the listener of our group and the one that gives the best advise. You're the one I can be goofy with and even though you look at me as if I'm not human sometimes you still were always there for me. Leecia, One thing I've learned from you is to not bring food around you, besides that you're strong like a rock and you don't really let much bother you. I envy how you could eat so much but gain nothing at all. You are the fashionable one of our group, there was never a moment you weren't on your phone looking for clothes for yourself and for us. Whatever we were wearing you always had a say in what you thought could make the outfit look better. Victoria, some would say we're alike maybe to much alike. You and I enjoyed some of the same things. You were the one I had most in common with out of the entire Salvn group. We would speak about different anime's and manga's, show each other things we thought the other would be interested in. Even though I'm sure I got on your nerves a lot I know that I could always make you laugh. I laughed and made jokes with you the most, from our dumb references to our inappropriate sex jokes. You were my competitor in English and Theory of Knowledge class, our debates would take up the entire class period but I enjoyed it. Nobody would dare debate against us but we always debated against each other. While in college that's one of the many things I'll miss. Noelia, the one that could always put a smile on my face by just looking at me. You were always optimistic about everything, if anyone of us were upset you'd come and hugs us you'd ask no questions because you knew already. I'll miss watching you draw, paint, and color. Being in college I'll miss you constantly meowing at anything and calling yourself the potato queen. All of you guys are my best friends. Even though we will have a little distance between us that won't stop me from loving you guys. We started being friends our Sophomore year and left high school as a family. Salvn is more than just a group of friends, Salvn is my little family. The little family I chose.