"There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little better."
There's a special kind of smile that your friends can brig out of you, and for the first time in a long time, I've found those people. I've always been more of an introverted, has maybe one good friend, I would rather be by myself all the time, type of person...but I've been exposed to so many of these incredible people, who do these bummy things with me.
My mom recently told me that when you appreciate someone, you need to tell them, not hide it. And I appreciate my friends to the highest extent. For our cruel jokes and loving laughs. For the crazy adventures and the "up all night" talking nights. Thank you for venting with me when I need to vent, and just sipping on coffee in silence when we need it too.
Dear Liz,
Everyone needs a Liz in their life, with your spunky red hair that doesn't even compare to your exploding personality. I never thought that I could become so close to someone in such a short amount of time, but you're the type of person who I can't imagine living without. I can always count on you to do absolutely anything with me, at any time. You're always there, and in the most unique way. With the perfect balance of "that's wild" and why are you like this" Thanks for waltzing into my life and brightening up with your laugh.
To Ian,
There are so many words I could write to you for the amount of acceptance and silliness you have brought into my life. I am thankful for you (and everyone else) every day and every moment. You're my best friend who stays up eating ice cream and talking late nights about everything and nothing at all. You encourage me to be bigger than what I am, while supporting who I am and what I can do. You make me laugh with absolutely everything, and dance with me even when we're both horrible. Thank you for hugging me endlessly and smiling infinitely. Thank you for not making me think so much about what I have to say, because me is me and I'm okay. You're pretty okie dokie too.
I can honestly say that I've never met anyone quite like you. You are the sweetest of the sweet with definitely some sass. You're the type of person who will look after everyone, and pick you up when you're now, and raise you higher when you're up. Everything i say, you try to help relate to it to help me figure it out, and I'm so happy for your existence. Keep pushing yourself, and know that no matter how much we pick on you, it's because I love you to the moon and back and back and back...and you're our mom.
Dear Kate,
This is one friendship that I wasn't expecting to feel so close. We haven't known each other very long, but there's this glow in your eyes and quiet yet boldness to your demeanor, that I can see as genuine truth and silliness. I love our lunch dates with you, me, and Liz, and I love us trying to be girls even though we all suck at that too (lolz). And even though we pick on each other to extreme extents, I already love you so much, and you bring me a lot of warmth and smiles.
Dear Jared,
Our friendship came in one cray night full of so many feelings and just utter craziness. Somehow in it all, I immediately trusted you and you anchored like a rock. You speak the truth and you help and support your friends, to almost always. You're full of theatrical poses and expressions that you always make me smile. I couldn't imagine not hearing your stories and very strongly influenced opinions (that I love very much) anymore. You've always given me the opportunity to have so many crazy times and adventures, and because of you (and everyone else), I'm always going to remember these moments together. Thanks for being a pusher, thank you for encouraging me to live a little crazy, and thanks for being a risk taker and living life young.
I LOVE YOU so much. You have become my favorite. I think I could sit in a car with you (and preferably Liz) for endless hours and we would just have the best time in the world. I am always learning new things about you, and you make me feel so comfortable. You're open to everything, and one of the most reasonable, logical, and fun friends I have ever known. You love things that not everyone else does, but you make it okay because what you love is real, and it's incredible how much you are not afraid of yourself. I look up to you in a lot of ways, and hope you stick around in my life for a while. You're ideas are always exciting and interesting, and I've been able to come to you for anything, thank you infinitely for that.
Dearest Sarah,
I am so grateful for you, because of how subtle yet meaningful our friendship is. When we say we are the same person, I really mean that. I understand the way you think and you understand the way I do as well and as perfectly. I love sharing artsy ideas with you because we love them both so much. You're the type of friend I can walk in the woods with and go through thrift stores and garage sales and pet a ton of cats while drinking tea and writing poetry and oh my gosh I just love everything about you. I love your love of nature and everything sweet, and I love when you just say these things that we would never expect that crack us all up, literally, you make me laugh until I cry. You're great Sarah Schwenkes.
Brendan, Dom, Santino, Alyssa, and Emily,
You're all extremely great people who have become a huge part of my life. You're always there for quick talks and always check up on how we are. We have great couch talks and funny encountering's that I am so loving about. Going through music school seems all the more musical with you guys around. Thank ya.
Erica and Sam,
Our friendship and adventures are some that will always stay with me. We have a friendship that no distance or time will come between, and I'm forever grateful for all of our memories and journey's together.
And My Family,
For being the best of best friends, and the most encouraging and silly people I know. I wouldn't be who I am, love the way I do, or laugh the most, without my family, and that's what family and friends do. Make life a little bit better, and make you feel like you have a place to belong.