The greatest game on Earth is back in full swing. College football is here. Call it a sport. Call it a religion. Call it a cult. Whatever you choose to call it, it's easy to see college football is kind of a big deal. If you haven't thought about what the next four months have in store for your relationship with your best friend or boyfriend, I've got some advice for you.
1. Brace Yourselves
Just like bracing for winter, bracing for college football season takes some mental effort. For us, weekends belong to football now, and only those prepared to adapt will survive. When we're with our buddies, just expect conversation about our team. We will almost certainly go over what went right and what went wrong in the last game, and how our team needs to prepare for the next one. You may find yourself frustrated with how much we care about games we aren't playing in. Trust me, do not ask us why we're so invested. Tolerance, understanding, and preferably growing to love the game too will have you in prime position to not rip your hair out the 163527th time you hear us rant about poor play-calling.
2. Love Us For Who We Are
You're friends with us or dating us for a reason. Don't forget that when you start to think all we care about is football. If you're a movie fan, imagine an Oscars-esque event about 14 weekends in a row. Then they take a month off and have an every-day, two-week-long finale better than any of the first 14 events. That's what we're dealing with here. It's as much a part of our schedule as school and work are, and to be honest most of us put it ahead of even those things. Remember that whenever you start to wonder where our priorities are at. College football means the world to us. Remember that, too, whenever you think we must have forgotten to mention to you that we are bipolar or clinically insane. Perhaps we are, but either way college football can and will bring out every extreme emotion we have. Be ready to love that version of us too.
3. Remember, We Love You Too
At the end of the day, you mean more to us than football. There's a solace in our minds knowing we have you as ours 24/7. We get college football, usually, one day a week. Even when we don't check our phones for six hours. Even when you're right next to us as we watch and it seems like we forgot about you. Just know that we understand you're trying, and we know you know how much college football means to us. Don't think your efforts go unnoticed. Keep up the good work.