Greetings fellow nerdlings! As convention season nears I would like to take a moment to talk to you about cosplay and consent. I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes because you feel that you fully understand the concept. But, I feel like it's important to talk about this. And, if you're not aware of how consent works then please let me explain.
To begin let's talk about consent. Definition: "permission for something to happen or agreement to do something." This comes up a lot when talking about sex in most situations. It does also relate to cosplay. Some convention goers seem to think that because a person is dressed in a "sexy" costume that they're allowed to stare, make lewd comments, take inappropriate photo's without permission, and sometimes even grope cosplayers. Basically, if you want a picture with a person in cosplay, ask. I've had people ask me to pose in certain (non-sexual) positions even. I've so far not turned down a photo request. Please, never, follow a cosplayer around getting photos. Taking pics of a girl/guys up-skirt angle is NOT cool. And, in case you don't know, it's ridiculously creepy.
Making lewd comments just makes cosplayers feel terribly uncomfortable. I don't think any single person wants to have a stranger talk about their butt, breasts, whatever in a gross manner. Be respectable. Be kind. Please have some class.
And, lastly, but most importantly, NEVER touch a person without asking them first. Putting your arm around a person's shoulder for a photo is fine in most situations. But, groping is terrifying. Just because a person is dressed in a costume you find to be sexy does not make them any less of a person. Even if a cosplayer is only wearing body paint, you do not have the right to touch them. Please, be kind, get consent, and shut down people you see being creepers. Happy convention going my friends.