With it being a pretty common topic, you can either choose to believe the "friend zone" is a real thing, or you can choose to believe that it isn't. For some, it might be a matter of realizing what it actually is. Oxford Dictionaries defines it as "a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other,".
To be fair, no guy/girl is entitled to someone. Everyone has the option to say no. This is not a guilt trip, rather, a different perspective on what one might feel dealing with caring for someone who doesn't see them the same way. This is a short poem I wrote entitled:
Here I Remain
Please tell me how you're aching
Please tell me how guy after guy has hurt you
Please call me telling me how I'm the only guy that makes you feel special
How I'm going to make somebody really happy to have me someday
How when I drop my heart as a cushion for your ass when you fall flat
How that makes me the best friend you've ever had
But while you're at it…
Please tell me how you remain so oblivious
Or how it is…
How it is that you can ignore my love for you
For someone seeking self-pleasure
Why "I wish there were more guys like you"
Can never be "I wish I could have you"
Because that's what rings through my head every day
But you'd rather have the guy that brings more tears than April rain
The guy who trashes your emotions
And brings you so much pain
But each time you come crying
Still here I remain
I don't know if I'm a hopeless romantic
Or just mentally insane