Everyone knows that dead week and finals week are the absolute worst.
Countless all-nighters are endured and dozens of energy drinks are consumed. In these last two weeks of the semester, every single college student is scrambling to get their final papers and projects done and cramming for their final exams. These past two weeks were extremely stressful for me; On top of getting ready for the end of the semester, I was also getting ready for my Semester At Sea. However, in the middle of all the chaos of the end of the semester, I also made some of my best memories with my friends as well.
I spent my countless all-nighters and very late nights with my roommates. We stayed up studying our lives away at the library or cute coffee shops. One of my roommates and I even went to the gym a couple times in the middle of the night as a study break. One time we went to the gym, maybe worked out for an hour and then just spent two hours talking to each other about everything in our lives. This is a memory I will hold on to for a very long time, especially while I am away from her for over 5 months.
I will also remember being up at 5 a.m. and trying to wake one of my roommates up so she could study before her final. Naturally 5 turned into 5:15 and 5:15 turned into 5:45. I don't think she got up until after 6 but I will miss her struggles with waking up very much.
Then there is the night that my last roommate and I decided we were gonna go to bed early(midnight) and get up the next day to be productive. We got home she mentioned something to me about how delicous wings sounded at the moment. We looked at eachother, ordered wings and devoured them before going to bed. We then proceeded to lay in bed watching videos and laughing with eachother until about 4 a.m. when we finally went to bed.
Not only did I make amazing memories with my roommates but with my other beautiful friends as well. Wednesday night of finals week, we went out to eat with our group of friends for one last get together before my roommate and I would be gone for an entire semester. We laughed and told stories about eachother and looked back on the semester and all the ridiculous stuff we did and said. It was on of the best nights of the semester because we got to reflect on all the memories we had made and the time we had spent together.
To top off finals week, my roommates and I spent our last night together cuddling on the floor between our beds. We made a bed on the floor and talked and laughed at terrible pictures of eachother. This was the perfect way to end our semester and I am so beyond thankful to have become friends with the people I have become friends with. Although I am only gone for semester, I feel like it will feel like a lifetime away from these wonderful people.