Dear friend that left too soon,
I miss you. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. I miss everything about you, even the small quirks. It has been almost four years since you left. Over the past few weeks, I reflected on the impact you made on my life during the six short years I knew you. I thought about the day I received the news of your tragic death, the day of your funeral, and the many days following. I thought about our many memories throughout elementary, middle, and high school.
Elementary school. I remembered when you moved to Midway Elementary School in 2007. I noticed you in the library one day when I was checking out an AR book. We both shared a love for reading that sparked a great friendship. We began talking and started meeting each other in the library to talk about the books we read recently. Our friendship grew quickly. We began to go to each other’s houses and play outside, We made up our own games and had our own inside jokes. Then, one day, you had to move. I was so sad to know that you were leaving me. I didn’t know what to do. Our communication became very limited and I didn’t see you for over a year. Then, I received a message from you. You were moving back to my hometown. I was overflowing with joy. Our friendship began to prosper again. We began to hangout again. I was so glad to rekindle the relationship we had growing up. That time was cut short very quickly after you returned home.
September 14th, 2012. The day that changed my life forever. The day that my heart was broken. The day my small town was changed. I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard about your death. It was a Friday night. We had an open week, meaning no Friday night football. I was at church. I was at a drama performance in a building with absolutely no service. I was sitting on the floor in my scene talking to another actor in my room. I heard a knock at my door and suddenly my mom entered the room. She had a blank look on her face and I knew automatically something was up. She approached me and looked at me for a few seconds. She couldn’t find the words to say to me. She finally was able to say, “Mack has been in a tragic accident and has died.” Those last two words broke my heart forever. I broke down. I couldn't hold in the tears
In the few weeks following your death, I was in a dark place. I didn’t want to talk or see anyone. I didn’t want to go to school or church. I wanted to be alone. I questioned God and why he took such a good person away. Your funeral was the saddest event I've attended. You made such an impact in our community. I remained in this dark place for a few months after you passed. My mind just couldn’t grasp the concept of “death” especially since it was dealing with a forever friend.
Over the past few years, I've had to learn to move on without you here. I’ve reached many milestones that I wish you could have seen. I went to many sporting events that you would love, especially Midway games and NC State football games. I went to junior and senior prom, two events that I wanted to share with you as memories. I graduated high school, a milestone I wish you could have seen. Coping and moving on are two very hard things to do, but God gave me the ability to do so. I will always remember the fun times we had together.
I will never understand why you left so soon. I will never understand why you died in such a tragic way. I know God had a greater plan for you life, and that is what I cling to. I can see clearly the things that you taught me over the years.
You taught me how to be a true friend. You taught me to love others even when they didn’t deserve love. You showed me compassion and kindness like no other. You taught me to trust and respect others. You gave me some of the best memories of my life. You gave me a second set of parents, that taught me life lessons that I will hold in my heart forever. You gave me three other siblings that I love like my own. You made a huge impact on my life and I am forever grateful for you.
The words “gone too soon” will always fit this situation. I will continue to cope with your death, although it will be extremely hard. It never gets easier, even after almost four years. I love you, Mack, more than words can ever describe. Thank you for being you. You lived a great life and I am so glad I had the ability to be a part of it. The hyphen found on your gravestone represents the life you lived. It is one of the most important symbols. I am so glad I could be a part of your hyphen.
Thanks for being my guardian angel. I love you, Mack.
“Love the people God gives you because he’s going to need them back someday.”
In loving memory of Mackinley Moore Waters
10/09/1998 -- 09/14/2012