I wonder if sometimes we forget that literally every person and place we come across has the potential of changing our lives forever. Maybe we just put too much emphasis on 'best friends' or people we spend our time with day in and day out?
So—here's to the friend who has always been there throughout the years, even if they haven't always been the 'best' friend.
Let's start off with a thank you, because I really don't say it enough. I think because you've always been there, I've neglected expressing how appreciative I am of you. Even throughout our spurts of friendship—you know, where we get really close for a while, and eventually drift apart—you stick around.
When our lives and other relationships got busy, I always knew you were someone I could come to, no matter the circumstances.
I'll admit it, I probably haven't been the greatest friend. Actually, no, I know I haven't been the greatest friend. Thank you for being there for the good and bad times, and for all the time in-between, even if you weren't literally 'there.' When I needed you, you were there without hesitation.
Thank you for giving me your time and for being down for pretty much whatever, whenever. We can literally make plans and an hour later be doing them. I could text you at 12 am and know you'd be more than willing to just listen to all my problems and without judgement. But adding to that, thank you for talking me back into reality as I tend to be a little too 'dramatic' so they say.
You have always been so understanding, and I admire you for that. You just get me, and I never hesitate to come to you about things. You have been there for so many of those important teenage moments.
You were there for my first boyfriend, my first heartbreak, crying over boys who didn't deserve my time, you were there at my graduation, you were there on my birthdays, school dances, parties that we probably shouldn't have been at, staying out past curfew... you were there for it all.
I think what sets you apart from so many of my other friends is your trust and feeling safe with anything I told you. We have always had each others' backs. Even during the times when we grew apart, I knew I could trust you for some reason. With any secret, anything on my mind, you knew and I don't regret that at all.
You are the true definition of a lifelong friend. I have no doubt we will stay in touch throughout all the years to come. I mean, we've gotten this far already, what's a life sentence got on us? I know you will be at my wedding and will someday tell my kids horrendously embarrassing stories of me as a teenager.
Really, thank you for all that you do. You have no idea. Love you.