Hey pal,
It's been almost two months since we've seen each other, and I miss you a bunch. This little letter is to you to commemorate for putting up with me for so many years, even when you are 69 miles away (I just Googled that) in a different state, making new memories and working hard in classes and cheer.
Who would've thought that the little 7-year-old girls we were, with our pin straight bobs and Junie B. Jones books clutched in our hands, would still be close almost 13 years later? In the past 13 years, we have fooled kids into thinking we are sisters (still sort of wish that was true), slept under the stars on your trampoline, watched each other's YouTube videos, and did every Spanish project together (I'd insert snippets of our Spanish 3/4 video here, but I'll save us both the embarrassment. Instead, I'll insert one of us trying to act cute at Great Wolf Lodge).
Thanks for this past summer. You were the first friend to reach out when you found out that I was down in the dumps. You knew the best medicine was to get up and go to the mall, screaming the lyrics to "Miss Missing You" by Fall Out Boy at the top of our lungs on the way back, ice cream in hand and complaining about everything that sucked at the time. Though we didn't get to see each other often, we still always had something to do when we hung out.
When we aren't together, we always make it a point to update each other on our lives and make sure we are doing okay. I am forever grateful for that.
I am grateful for the fact that you're always a text away. You're always willing to hear what I have to say and provide advice, even if I choose not to agree with it. I'm always here to do the same for you, as well, even if you may not like what I have to say.
I am grateful for all of the sleepovers, all of the movie nights, bonfires, and snacks that we consumed. I am grateful for being your co-counselor to a group of fifth grade girls for three days, because I had no clue how to camp (side note: those kids liked me more in the end, hehe). I am grateful for you always being my partner and tolerating that I am slow to learning algebra. I am grateful for you introducing me to Pinterest freshmen year of high school, for you being my only friend in some school situations, for going all out every spirit day with me, and for still being there even in another state.
You're the Chandler to my Joey, the Spongebob to my Patrick, the Cece to my Jess. You're killing it where you are - keep doing what you're doing. If you ever need a shoulder, I am 69 miles away, eager to hear from you.
I'll see you soon when we're both back home. Love you.