When it comes time to go to college, if you’re like me, you won’t go to the same school as your best friend. Although we are best friends and have a lot of the same interests, we chose schools that best fit what we want to do when we’re older. Obviously I knew that we’d make new friends, and eventually start calling some our “best friend”, but when it actually happens, you don't know how to react. One minute you are sharing amazing memories and know so much about your friend, then BOOM, someone new pops into their life that you know nothing about.
Here are 5 things that happen when your best friend makes a new best friend.
The wtf moment: When you first see your best friend post a picture with her new “best friend”. Obviously the initial shock hits hard, because you know, you were/are their “best friend”.
The pissed off time: You progress through the WTF faze to now just straight up pissed. You want to know who’s trying to take your spot and steal your best friend.
Stalking stages: Thank you social media. Without Instagram, Facebook, Twitter you'd have NO idea who this person is that thinks your best friend is theirs and vice versa
The awkward first meeting: Obviously when you first meet your childhood best friend’s college best friend, it’s going to be hella awkward. Like what do you talk about? How do you act? Can you truly be yourself around this person who your best friend cares so much about?
Acceptance time: Unfortunately you have to come to the time that you accept that this person is in your best friend’s life, and probably wont leave.
The bad part about going to a different school than your best friend is the fact that they will make new friends and new memories that you necessarily can’t be apart of. But thankfully you both know that you are best friends and a few hours and a few new people wont change that.