Yoga has lots of poses and each one is unique in its own way, just like your friends. See which pose fits your besties!
The "Mom" Friend- Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Lotus Pose
Cameron DeVille
They've got their life together. They have YOUR life put together. Somehow, they are taking care of everything and everyone while still remaining (mostly) calm.
The Overacheiver- Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split)
Standing Leg Split
Cameron DeVille
This pose is the definition of balanced and flexible. Your body is doing things that it never thought it could do. This is for the yoga learners that want to be the best.
The "Nap Queen"- Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Corpse Pose
Cameron DeVille
This one's pretty self explanatory. You lay on your back with calm music playing in the background and your body is exhausted, so you just zzzzzzz...
The Althete- Sirsasana (Head Stand)
Head Stand
Cameron DeVille
This is a headstand. If you do this pose in a yoga class, chances are the non-yoga-pros think you're a show off. It does require a lot of strength though, so if you can do this pose, your body is ridiculously strong.
The Life of the Party- Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose)
Lord of the Dance Pose
Cameron DeVille
This pose is FUN! It's a mix of your loud friend and your dramatic friend but in the best way. It's not too difficult, so it gets along well with everyone.
The Sarcastic One- Pasasana (Noose Pose)
Noose Pose
Cameron DeVille
This friend's words always seem to be twisted. They always have a joke or sarcastic comment ready. This pose and this friend both have a little drama to them as well.
THE LOUD FRIEND- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Half Moon Pose
Cameron DeVille
This is about as large and metaphorically loud as your body can get. Half Moon takes up the most physical space of any yoga pose.
The Drama Queen- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose)
Revolved Head to Knee Pose
Cameron DeVille
This is the most dramatic pose out there. You put your body in the weirdest pose that you can, probably for the attention.
The Overworked Friend- Plank Pose
Plank Pose
Cameron DeVille
Their entire body is tense all the time. They have so much going on that if they relax at all, their whole life could fall apart.
The "Aunt" Friend- Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)
Happy Baby Pose
Cameron DeVille
This one's a little weird, but you have to admit it's fun.
The Diplomat- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)
Downward Dog
Cameron DeVille
Everyone likes this pose. It's the pose you go back to between everything else going on in your life. The Downward Dog is reliable and provides stability that other poses do not.
The Introvert- Balasana (Child's Pose)
Child's Pose
Cameron DeVille
Calm and quiet. They don't open up a ton unless you ask. They're really chill most of the time, though, so that's nice. This pose allows them to avoid eye contact while getting a good stretch in.
The Who Is Constantly Having a Panic Attack- Cow and Cat Poses
In order to do the cat pose, simply invert the cow pose.
Cameron DeVille
Is this friend okay? Probably not. Are they trying their best? Definitely. These poses are known to help with anxiety, so they're a perfect match for your anxious friend.