Almost every friend group has a girl who is considered the "mom." She is the one who is always prepared in times of need and who is worried about the group. I, myself, am the mom of my friend group. I didn't choose to be, the label just came naturally. This is for all of the other friend moms.
1. Your bag puts Mary Poppins' to shame. You have everything from snacks and chapstick to bandaids and cough drops.
2. You love giving hugs, no matter what the occasion is.
3. "How are you?" "Are you well?" "Do you need anything?" These are common questions that come out of your mouth.
4. You're always cheering on your friends during their biggest life events.
5. You are the one taking photos to document the night.
6. "Be safe," is a common phrase in your vocabulary.
7. You have no shame about staying in on a Friday night to drink coffee and catch up on TV series.
8. People always come to you for advice and you are willing to give it, even if it's 2:00 in the morning.
9. It has gotten to the point where people refer to you as "mom."
10. You complain about being the mom at times, but, for the most part, you secretly love it. After all, mom does know best.
So, here's to all of the moms of friend groups. We love you and we know that we couldn't live without you.