1. You are forced to be nice to other people in attempt to make friends.
Once your BFF is busy doing her thing with the new bae, you begin to realize how much time you actually spent with them, and now you have all this time to do cool things, but no one to do them with.
2. Every movie night is ruined.
Remember all of those awesome movie trailers you watched with your BFF, and planned on seeing the moment they came out in theaters? Well, you can't anymore because she has already seen all of them, with him.
3. You have to keep it 'PG'.
Your conversations can no longer consist of inappropriate jokes or awkward, embarrassing moments, because he reads them all. Your BFF was also the one you would creep on guys with while walking to class, or driving down the street. There are no longer any "OMG did you see how hot he was?" conversations, because she will not answer honestly.
4. "Third-wheel" becomes your middle name.
When you finally do get to hang out with your BFF, she is with him 99% of the time anyway. It almost makes you want to be in a relationship just so you can go on double-dates with them to see your BFF more.
5. You actually start to like her BF.
When she starts dating someone you actually like, you make sure to remind her to never break up with him because then who are you going to make fun of your BFF with?
6. You hear the good, the bad, and the ugly.
You are obviously the first person (other than her new bae) that she tells things to when she is excited or pissed off. Most of the time, everything she wants to talk about has something to do with him. You start to feel like a marriage counselor because you know all of their drama and are expected to give good advice in order to fix things.
7. You can no longer have sleepovers.
We have all had those nights where you just had a crazy weekend or are having a super emotional week and all you want to do is sleep over at your BFF's because sleepovers are like the magical answer to everything. But you can't do that anymore because he will be there. Every night.
8. Boy advice is so much better.
When you need advice on the new guy you are seeing, your BFF suddenly becomes way more helpful because she has been in almost every situation with her boyfriend. You also get advice from a guy's perspective because he is always around to listen.
9. You are bored all the time.
Your BFF used to be your go-to friend to text when you were bored and had nothing to say, but needed some form of human interaction. Since your friend is busy all the time, she no longer texts back, and you are left alone, hopelessly contemplating if you should watch 'one more' episode on Netflix, eat more chips and salsa, or just go to sleep 7 hours early.
10. You stop being so negative.
When you were both single, you would be sitting on the couch, sharing a pint of ice cream and crying with your BFF that all guys were idiots, and that you would both be 'forever alone'. But now, after seeing your friend so happy, you start to realize not all guys are terrible, and now you're the only one who will be 'forever alone'.