For those of you who don't know, eczema is a skin condition where patches of skin can become rough, dry and inflamed. It can cause sores and it is very itchy. Living with eczema is not fun, but it is manageable. All of my life, I have had to deal with eczema and the comments that people say. Here is a list of my FAVORITE comments.
1. "Do you moisturize?"
When people ask me this, I just want to say "gee, no, I've never thought about that! What a great idea!". I moisturize every day. I actually moisturize twice a day. I have tried at least 50 or more different moisturizers in my lifetime and I have only found one that really helps.
2. "Do you shower daily?"
Yes, yes I do. If you must know, I also use a moisturizing body wash every time I shower and I use a moisturizing body scrub three times a week.
5. "Is it contagious?"
I cannot stand when people ask this. I know that people do not know, and I am here to educate people, but this one irks me the most. No, it is not contagious. No, you will not catch "the eczema".
4. "I'm going to stay away from you just in case it is contagious".
Wow, way to be a jerk. Thanks for making me feel even worse for my uncontrollable skin condition. I have had more than one person tell me that in my lifetime, and honestly if you are going to be like that, I do not want you around me anyways.
5. "Just drink more water!"
I wish it were that simple. If it were based on how much water I drink, my skin would be perfect.
6. "Have you been to the doctor?"
Yes, I have actually been to the doctor more times than I can remember. I have been on Prednisone and many different steroid creams to help clear my eczema up and keep in under control.
7. "Stop scratching!!'
Nothing makes me more furious than someone (especially someone that I do not know that well) fussing at me for scratching. I feel like you are treating me like a child and scolding me. Try being itchy 24/7 and always being told not to scratch. It's not fun.
8. "Have you tried *insert insane home remedy here*
I have tried every natural, home remedy I can try. They do not work for me. I cannot use coconut oil because it makes my skin worse.
9. "I have the BEST moisturizer! Try some!"
I do not want to be rude, but I can only use certain moisturizers. I cannot use anything with dyes, fragrances or perfumes (same goes for laundry detergent) and the first ingredient has to be glycerin or it will not help, or in some cases, it will make it worse.
10. "Ew! What's wrong with your arm/leg/face!"
Why did you feel the need to make that rude comment? At this point, I am just going to look at you and walk away, with no explanation.