We have all been in the situation, countless of times. At some time in our life we have watched the perfect, beautiful girl we call our best friend cry over some idiot who broke her heart (again). If you are like me, your first thought is what sort of psychological damage can I do to this jerk this time, because apparently he has not gotten the picture yet.Then you remember that for some insane reason the girl crying in front of you actually loves this guy, so wine and ice cream is the only way that you can attempt to mend her aching heart. What more can you do to show her that her tears are wasted and that she is worth more. She deserves more than his little effort and games.
Alright, so here is my letter to you because I love you too much to stay quiet and let this continue to happen.
You are a strong independent woman and you don't need a man.
When I met you I was amazed at your confidence, you knew who you were and you never let anyone make you feel like less. I thought you were untouchable but then I saw you cry, and hurt from his emotional torture.I realized that he had found your Achilles heel. Your heart, it is huge and your love is never ending, I have watched him take advantage of this and control your feelings because he knows he can. You do not deserve your heart to be broken and played with by him, or anyone for that matter. You only live once and time is something you can not get back. So, it is time to fall in love with yourself again and find someone who will admire your hard work and dedication. I know life is not some perfect fairytale but you deserve to be swept off your feet sometimes.
You deserve to enjoy romance and be with someone who makes you better.
Being with the wrong person makes you anxious. Not like the butterflies in my stomach kind of anxiety but the I know I have a test and didn't study kind of anxiety. There are 7 billion people on this planet. Why are you still accepting this love that is holding you back? You know all those times you are crying about him? All that liquid coming out of your eyes is your body trying to biologically repel him from you. I know you think he will change and things will work out but I can assure the only thing he will be getting better at is deceiving you.It's time to cut it off, and you may hear him call you a lot of things like, "crazy" or "controlling" but I would rather be those things than what he is : a disappointment. There are hundreds of guys just like him, and hundreds absolutely nothing like him, and thousands who are so much better than him. So, you may have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince but I can promise you I will be by your side judging every frog.
A girl who finally learned what she deserves