I looked at the time: 7:55 pm. My eyes grew wide as I frantically hopped out of bed, grabbed my keys, and sprinted out of my apartment. The elevator, of course, took longer than expected. I was on the third floor and I probably should have taken the stairs. But I didn’t want to be out of breath by the time I arrived in public, with sweat dripping down my brow. “Finally,” I thought as the elevator proceeded to open. I jumped inside and continuously pressed the down arrow to ‘P1’—where my moped was parked. You could say I'm slightly an impatient person when it comes to a time crunch, such as the one I’m describing now. I jumped out of the elevator and sprinted, probably faster than I have ever ran before, to my bumble bee colored scooter. Jamming the key into ignition, I was off, with three minutes to spare.
It was a pleasantly quick ride, two minutes in total, to reach my destination: Buffalo Wild Wings. I was alone at the moment, but I couldn’t care less. “How many?” The waiter asked. “Uh, one for now. My friend will be coming shortly though.” I don’t know why I couldn’t have just said ‘two please,’ but I was too busy thrashing my head in every direction, looking for one thing in particular. I was surrounded by at least 20 different televisions. Every imaginable sport was being displayed; from baseball, to basketball, to wrestling, rugby, etc. Every sport, but one. I thought to myself, “You have got to be kidding me. This must be a joke." Maybe the game didn’t start yet. Nope, it was 8:02 pm at this point. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough. I carefully studied each television. Nope, the game is nowhere in sight. Finally I concluded that maybe the owner of this restaurant is oblivious to what defines a good sports game. Ha. This is ridiculous.
OK, I will fill you in on this tragic situation. Women’s soccer was the one sport that was not being shown on the plethora of TVs inside that building. The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, to be exact. My eyes rolled ever so slightly to the back of my head because it was truly a shame this game wasn't on, or even asked to be put on by the customers eating there. The fact that this send-off game to the Olympics versus Costa Rica wasn’t being televised, but highlights of the past football season from last year were, was completely baffling. Don’t get me wrong, I love to watch football. But that was last year, this is now.
Let me fill you in even further if you are reading this without the slightest clue about what I am currently talking about. The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team is not just any team. They are good, really good. Do you need some stats to back up this opinionated statement? Sure. Three World Cup titles. Four Olympic Gold Medals. Seven CONCACAF Gold Cup victories. Ten Algarve Cups. 15,653 people (on average) attending every home game. Thanks to ussoccer.com for the jaw dropping statistics.
To say the least, they are worth watching. Or least having one TV dedicated to this send-off game. Four goals later and a solid shutout win, it was worth the initial frustration. I can only hope on August 3 at 5 p.m. when I walk into Bdubs for the first game of the Olympics versus New Zealand, their TVs will show a different story.