As my freshmen year of college nears the end, I've come to realize how much I've learned throughout.
1. College isn't just partying.
Typically, freshmen year of college is all about going out, socializing, meeting as many people as you possibly can but all in all, it's not just about that. The memories you make with people you meet are valued so much more than the nights you have zero recollection of. Don't get me wrong, going out is fun, but doing it every night is overdoing it. We have 4 years for this, so missing one night out to chill or have a movie night isn't the end of the world.
2. College isn't just school.
Sometimes it's okay to skip the books and let loose, if you just focus on schooling, you'll never see what's out there for you. School is the number one priority, but it shouldn't be the only one.
3. College is learning how to manage money.
At least for me, I know I've grown as a person in many ways. When I came to college I honestly didn't understand the value of a dollar. Having money fed to me without working throughout my life wasn't teaching me anything. Don't get me wrong I appreciated every penny of it. Obtaining money from bright futures and having myself as the control center of it has taught me when to spend my money and when to not. I'm finally able to distinguish a stupid unnecessary purchase from a needed one.
4. College is also about making lifelong friends.
Whether it's people you meet in your Greek life affiliation to someone from a bar or even someone in your class everyone you meet somehow is going to impact your life. Depending on when you realize it, people you meet anywhere impact who you are and decisions you make given opportunities. The people you meet in the bathroom at bars can even become your best friend, in college I've learned it's the little silly things that create these strong bonds. Oh and first impressions do matter but they're not the end of the world.
5. College is getting involved.
From clubs, Greek life, community service, class study groups, etc... College has it all. If you need homework help, get it. If you want to help out, there's more fundraisers and events within your college community than you could possibly imagine. Sitting in your room isn't going to get you anywhere. In the future being involved and building your resume can only help you.
6. College is learning how to use RateMyProfessor properly.
The key to success is navigating through rate my professor properly. I CAN NOT stress this enough. Every class has rigor, but the level of rigor depends on the professor. For instance, I was taking the same class as one of my friends but with a different professor, the course covered the same material but all of the assignments and grading scales differed. An "easy" class can be made impossible depending on who teaches it. Once you select a professor, search them on this website and really look through all of the reviews.