Dear Freshmen, Congratulations on starting your first semester of college. This is a new and exciting experience for you! I know many of you are probably trying to understand how the college system works, both in class and out. Well, I'm here to tell you what to do and what not to do.
The Dos:
1.) Definitely take advantage of any free programs that are offered on campus. Most of these programs are beneficial and then others are just silly and fun to attend. For example, if you hear that a hypnotist is performing a show on campus, even if it's a small entrance fee, then go. This is an event that everyone will be at and you know you won't want to miss this.
2.) Try to find a time to do your laundry when nobody else is down there. It's the most aggravating experience waiting for your clothes to finish its wash cycle, but then having to wait 30 minutes for a dryer to open up. Figure out your schedule and get a feel for other students schedules so you can avoid the traffic.
3.) Don't be afraid to ask a complete stranger where something is. We were once in your position and we had to do the same thing. Some people might get mad because they just hate socializing with people, but others will be happy to point you in the right direction.
The Don'ts:
1.) Don't walk in on another class while it's in session. First off, this can be an embarrassing situation for you to walk in to. You don't want the entire class to stare at you and think you're dumb. Second, if you're not sure if it's your class, literally wait until it's the time your class is supposed to start. Lastly, it's just rude to walk in when you know a professor is giving a lecture. They might not say anything, but they are annoyed because you literally saw them talking and you still walked in and interrupted their class just to sit down for your class that was about to start in five minutes.
2.) Don't stay cooped up in your room. By doing so, you are making yourself homesick and then you will definitely gain that freshman 15. It's good to go out and socialize at the right events and meet the right type of people. Do you like to fence? Go check out the fencing club and see what that's all about.
3.) Don't stand in the middle of pathways. Yes, it's fun to check up with your friends and chit chat about how your day has been, but when other students are coming at you and you won't move it's a little annoying. There is a reason why campus has benches and tables all over the place, take advantage of them.
So freshmen, take my advice and use your common sense. Respect the people around you, but also make sure you are respected. You're new to the school and we all understand that, so most people aren't going to get mad or judge you. Treat others the way you would want to be treated and you'll make it through your first semester just fine.