I'm sure we all found out coming to college that our high schools were all different from one another. Some had their own type of lingo, some had some school secrets of which bathrooms were better than another, and some simply just had their own quirks. When coming to Temple, I was excited to see what I would be discovering about my new school, and here are some things I found.
1. It's cherry, not red.
Yes, I made the mistake of saying Temple's colors were red and white. Someone close by me didn't fail to correct me by screaming "it's cherry!" Our fight song really should have given me a heads up.
2. The Morgan Hall wind tunnel.
The first time I heard about the dreaded wind tunnel was during freshman orientation. I remember the face my owl leader made when a few students in my group said they were living at Morgan, and I should have taken that as a warning. Of course, I didn't experience the winds full force until I made my way up it on a day that dropped below 20 degrees. A little piece of advice for if you haven't experienced this yet, purchase a scarf before taking on the ramp, or get your extra steps in and walk around the building to the stairs.
3. The need for an umbrella.
The weather in Philly can really be crazy, and you have to walk to class in all of it. Umbrellas come in handy for the following versions of precipitation: rain, sleet, and snow, or a mixture of the three. Take it from me, it's not fun sitting through an hour and 20 minute lecture while soaking wet.
Pro Tip: keep a small umbrella in your book bag for when the rain catches you transitioning between classes!
4. The J&H dining hall is way better than Morgan's.
Do I even need to explain? Johnson and Hardwick has so many more food options than Morgan. I mean, they even make smoothies.
5. Wait, there's a Ritter Hall and a Ritter Annex?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this. Picture this; It's the first day of a new semester, I have English 802 in Ritter Hall, and I walk into Ritter Annex. Did I look like a freshman having no idea where I was going? Yes, yes I did.
6. Even if you aren't an Eagles fan, you're an Eagles fan.
This isn't just because of the fact that our own Temple football games are played in the 2018 Super Bowl Champions stadium. I feel as though saying "Go Birds!" is our school's version of the "head nod".
7. Anderson Elevators.
I typically give myself around 10 minutes to get to class. I think we all know that if we have a class in Anderson and have to take the elevators, we're not making it in 10 minutes.