It has been about a month since my sophomore year started and I cannot stop thinking about how much I miss being a freshman.
Every time I go on Snapchat or Facebook, they show me my posts that happened a year ago — all the memories of meeting my college best friends for the first time, going to my first college party, all the first times I experienced what college has to offer. The transition phase of college is over and it is so bittersweet.
I am not sure whether to be happy that I am not 'fresh-meat' anymore or sad that I am not an innocent, curious first-timer.
Freshman year was easily the best year of my entire life (so far).
Everything was so new — the experiences, the people, the college lifestyle in general. Don't get me wrong, my Sophomore year has been really fun, but it's missing the excitement that freshman year had.
It feels different going to a party now compared to going to a party freshman year. I remember being so excited every time my friends and I went out.
Every little detail was important: what do we wear? what is the right time to go? where should we go? It isn't that the parties are not fun anymore, it's just now that I have experienced so many I know what to expect — the loud music, the dancing, the jungle juice. It's all the same.
When I talk to freshman girls at parties, they will ask for tips about the school, parties, boys, classes, etc. and I can see in their faces how excited and curious they are about their new home. I miss that feeling.
I like knowing the answers to their questions, but I loved the time when I was the one asking the questions.
My one tip for a freshman would be: enjoy every second of it. A lot of firsts will happen freshman year — you will have experiences that you never would have expected.
Promise me, you will blink and be in your second year as soon as you know it. I didn't believe them either when they told me every semester goes by quicker than the last. Enjoy not knowing what to expect – you will learn everything along the way and that is what will make freshman year so fun.