Although it's a cliche, I am not the person I was a year ago. With only one year of college under my belt, I've learned so many things. My priorities are different, my financial situation, the way I handle situations and the things I'd do to occupy my time have all changed. I'm sure some people can relate.
(Freshmen) Living situation:
The dorm life was pretty awesome. Its weird to think that you lived with a bunch of other people your age. There was endless things to do, so many people to meet and late nights that turned to early mornings. But we were all hanging.
(Sophomore) Living situation:
I live in a house this year. It's much better because if I don't want to talk to someone I don't have to and I have my own space. I don't have to shower with slippers, run into people all the time, wait for the bathroom stalls or get yelled at by the CAs.
(Freshman) Food:
I could go on campus and eat whatever I wanted, spend my financial aid money on food, and order coffees every day.
(Sophomore) Food:
I have to cook for myself, which is pretty convenient. Not sharing a kitchen is amazing. No one will try to guilt trip you into sharing your food with them and you can be proud that you made it yourself.
(Freshman) Financial aid money:
I literally spent my money on materialistic things. Through the year I bought an Xbox one, longboards, skateboards, books galore, monthly subscription boxes and G-Eazy tickets.
(Sophomore) Financial aid money:
This time I'm most likely to buy groceries, cleaning supplies, pay my rent, utilities and other expenses. But still it isn't enough. LOL.
(Freshman) Work:
I didn't have to work at all my freshman year.
(Sophomore) Work:
I work roughly 18 hours a week and it's awesome. I have some sort of income and get to learn how to cook things all day. Sense of independence right there.
(Freshman) Clubs:
I was a member of EWUs Hui 'o Hawai'i club. I attended meetings and got to cruise with amazing people.
(Sophomore) Clubs:
Now I'm the co-president and I get to hang out with my officers a lot. We have to plan and organize our events and meetings and contact various people either physically or over the phone.
(Freshman) Fun:
I went to campus dances, parties, random places in Spokane, the movies, the mall, and parks.
(Sophomore) Fun:
I barely get to do anything on the weekdays because of my schedule. Mostly we have chill hangouts at someone's house playing cards or just catching up.
(Freshman) Priorities:
My main priorities were to have fun and do my best in college. I wasn't scared to do something crazy, hence, why I now have a tattoo. #NoRegrets.
(Sophomore) Priorities:
My main priorities now include paying my rent on time and all of my other bills, having a clean house, going to work on time, having a plan for my schooling and managing to fit in some social time.
As you can see, I grew up. I didn't want to but I had to, but I'd say I'm doing it pretty well. Shout out to my amazing parents, sisters, aunts and uncles, without your help I'd probably be homeless.