Freshman year is one for the books. Its experiences are insane and hilarious, just like a man we all know and love: Chris Farley. So here it is, folks: freshman year of college, as told by Chris Farley.
Moving into stuff into a dorm room the size of a shoe box like:
...which is also a lot like realizing the Freshman 15 is an actual thing.
But let's take it back a step. Remember wearing that lanyard around for the first week?
And what about that first college exam?
Slowly becoming sleep deprived/an insomniac day by day because of your newfound college lifestyle.
Meeting a million new people and asking, "Where are you from?" only to receive...
Eating dorm food for the first time. Then the second. Then the three-hundred millionth.
Or, getting into that party/bar for the first time and feeling like the gates of Heaven opened in that moment.
Following weeks of eating your weight in unhealthy food/drinking your weight in most likely alcoholic substances, you decide to combat the calories.
Freshman year isn't all a struggle, though. You met your absolute best friends and make some crazy memories with them... whether you quite remember them or not.
And kind of wonder how you got so lucky.
But then you have to leave your freshman year behind. And it kind of hits you like:
And driving away from campus will be driving away from everything you've known and loved for the past 9 months, and you will feel accordingly.
...But wrapping up just one year does entail time left.
So to sum it all up, freshman year was one big, hilarious, wild and insane ride. And freshman year survivor, college and Marquette University grad, Chris Farley says it best:
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