Dear Future-self,
Congratulations! You've made it through your very first year of college. These past two semesters were some of the most stressful, challenging, exciting, and memorable months of your life so far. Your freshman year of college is a year you can't do over or go back and change, but that's ok. The mistakes you made or the decisions you have come to realize weren't the best choices, are the lessons to live by. Maybe you didn't like every class you took this year and maybe you struggled at some points, but without that stress and pressure, you wouldn't be where you are today. Aside from the challenging aspects that came with freshman year, I can happily say, there were a variety of high points that outweighed the low points for sure. This was your very first year of college! Everything was so new and exciting and every adventure or risk taken was a fun experience. You took classes you were interested in, you spoke your mind and expressed your own opinions, you ventured out and maybe tried something new that you wouldn't have before. College is the place to test the waters and discover yourself, find out what you like and what you excel at because these four short years have the potential to be the best four years of your life.
In this very first year of college, I found a close group of friends that I can't image living without now. We are a small group of people that just so happened to have the same Italian class and bonded over not knowing what the heck was going on, therefore helping each other out. This friendship grew slowly, but surely, and I can say now that these are the type of friends you have for a lifetime.
So far, the opportunities were taken and the ones to come have been nothing less than amazing. Looking back, I can't believe what I have accomplished and how far I have come in just these past two semesters. So may aspects of myself as a student, and that of an individual have changed and molded into this more open, understanding, and matured person. College life, whether it be that of a commuter or someone who dorms, has this vibe where you find yourself exposed to different cultures, social groups, and all walks of life. I can see why these four years are used as a time to grow and take the risk you were scared to take in high school, exercise your voice to proclaim what you feel and take any chance you can get to change the world for the better.
There is obviously a lot to say about college and the whole experience overall, but the first year, in my opinion, is the most important. To my future-self reading this however many years later, I want you to know that this year, Fall 2016-Spring 2017, was an unforgettable year. Always remember the great papers written, the sights you've seen, places you've visited, the people you met, the classes you took and how that happened in span of nine months.
Forever and Always
-Freshman (almost sophomore) self